Avast Resident Support

I would like to see Resident support for the next version of avast. Similar to Windows, there should be the avast logo in the finder menu bar. I am disappointed that avast does not have this. I have got a 3 year license in hopes it will be fixed by then.

Avast already has resident scanning in the current version. Its just called “After-Close support” in the preferences panel. Its enabled by default. Just leave avast running and you have resident scanning just like in windows. If you dont want the interface showing choose “hide avast antivirus” from the avast menu, or use the Command + H keyboard shortcut.

Why would you need a icon in the menu bar, there is already one in the dock?

I use avast in terminal and don’t get any icons anywhere. Is there a way in which I can get resident protection in terminal? If not, what should I do instead (and how)?

Are you using the Mac or Linux version? This thread is focused on the Mac version.


avast4server + avastguard (+ dazuko module) is such resident protection (syscall interception in kernel). well, some people might dislike the kernel-dependence, and then, libc-wrapper is another possibility (but not 100%, and application must depend on the dynamic libc to have its actions scanned). also, there’s new possibility to create a FUSE-wrapper (virtual rootFS-mirror, but scanned on access).
