avast response

last week i found virus avast didnot catch it I send it to virus@avast.com after two days avast catch it so thank you avast team all of you ;D ;D ;D
virustotal test before i send the file:


thanks for the helping improving the detection rate of avast i must say then.

Great, but to be honest, avast! is one of the slowest to update its virus definations…
Did you know that once submitted, the Kingsoft and KeNiu (both from China) can update its cloud-based virus definations within half an hour?
And according to a test made in another forum, KeNiu is even able to update its definations in THREE MINUTES!!!
By contrast, my empirical evidence shows that it usually takes days before Avast! updates its virus definations…

cloud-based antivirus need continues internet connection and i think this is not good idea and also sending my data to antivirus server for scanning is not secure

There will still be permanent cache in you computer storing the latest virus definations. Anyway, when you cannot connect to the internet, the main way of being infected is through thumb drivers, right?And you’re not supposing the virus occured one or two years ago which has brcome antique (for viruses) to infect your computer, are you?
And you can choose not to send files to servers automatically or manually submit potential malwares.

To my knowledge, Avast! has no plans to go cloud in the near future.
Though if its something you would like to see, perhaps add to the wishlist?

Just don’t expect it included in the next release :wink: