Avast restart the computer

For some time now because the Avast the computer reboots.

If I disable the Avast the reboot don´t occur and that is why I know that it is the Avast.

Some months ago, I detected that when Steam or Origin began to download the client update this happened so I learned to disable Avast when I wanted those programs updated.

Now, it is always doing that even if I don´t have those programs running. I believe that other software is doing his update and because of this Avast reboot the computer.

Anyone have a clue about that ?

Are you using the latest version of Avast ??? :

Avast Free Antivirus
Program version: 2015.10.2.2215
Virus definition: 150429-1

That isn’t the latest version. Please use the link I provided to get the latest version or,
right click the Avast icon in the system tray, (by the clock icon) select update and choose Program.

Well, this new version didn´t reboot my computer until now. let’s see what will happen when I download a game using orign :slight_smile:

This new version corrected the boot everytime but when I download games from steam, origin, ubisoft or other proprietary download mechanism it still reboot my computer :frowning: