avast runs low on ram but why high cpu usage?

hello guys im just here to ask you and the avast team when i am running avast it has really low ram usage but im wondering why does it have a lot of CPU usage? even without doing anything while the computer is idle my cpu usage is pretty high and i saw one comment on youtube stating that avast cpu usage is high… :confused: anyone can tell me why avast use quite a lot of cpu?

I have installed avast on many of my clients machines no High CPU usage reported from them yet…neither do i see high CPU usage on my laptop either…

there is a state exactly after 8 minutes after a pc is booted u will see avastsvc.exe with high CPU[around 30 to 50%] this is due to the rootkit scan that starts exactly 8 minutes after a pc is booted…but this CPU usage comes back to 0% after 1 to 2 minutes…

owh i see thnx for d info… no wonder lah…