Avast Safe Zone not installing


Using Avast Pro for 3 PC.
On one PC Avast Safe Zone installed ans runs fine. On the second one (although “install safe zone” was checked), safe zone did NOT install. The only difference I see is 1st PC is W7 Pro, the second one W7 Home.

Avast version 11.1.2245

Thanks for help.

Perform a repair of avast and see if the problem is solved.
If not, perform a clean installation of avast and check again.


Repair was unsuccessfull.

So uninstalled avast and tried to reinstall.

Current install has been running for 2 hours (!) and is blocked (indicator stuck in the middle).

Reboot, install goes on and stalls at the same stage.

I had none of those problems with the other PC.

Did you use the uninstall tool ?

No, I uninstalled from configuration panel.

Let’s see if that is solving things.

Thanks a lot, it worked (10 minutes instead of 4 hours spent today!).

Many things are easy to solve in a small amount of time.
You just have to know how ;D

Good to hear it is solved.
If there is anything else you want help with or want to know…
You know how to find this webboard :wink:

No thanks and Yes thanks to your questions !