Avast Safezone Browser & the need for many processes.

This is a question which has been asked many times. So I think this deserves an official answer.
Every new tab and every extension running in the browser has its own process, this is because our browser is based on Chromium. Both Google Chrome, Opera and many other browsers that are built around Chromium also perform in this way.

Why it is good?

“Modern operating systems are more robust because they put applications into separate processes that are walled off from one another. A crash in one application generally does not impair the other applications or the integrity of the operating system, and each user’s access to other user’s data is restricted.”

“We use separate processes for browser tabs to protect the overall application from bugs and glitches in the rendering engine. We also restrict access from each rendering engine process to others and to the rest of the system. In some ways, this brings to web browsing the benefits that memory protection and access control brought to operating systems”

The above has been taken from the following site. You can read more about this here https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/multi-process-architecture

Avast SafeZone browser uses even more processes because it offers a special security layer called “Pay mode”. That’s why you can see another instance of the browser running in your task manager. The Pay mode is prepared for use in the background and takes almost no resources (its basically sleeping until you wake it up by enabling the Paymode) - you can check it in task manager (RAM - working set does not take more than 2MB per process, there is no CPU usage). There are also some other processes such
as AvastNM.exe or ctfmon.exe which are now necessary for interaction with Avast and they are also related to special security features.

In short, there is no need to worry about your computers performance being affected by the amount of processes created by Safezone Browser, as our browser doesn’t use more than what it needs to function. However we have recognized that many people see these processes and believe there is an issue with the browser, therefore we are working on a better way of triggering the Pay mode so there will not be too many processes from the beginning when the browser is started.
Stay tuned!
If you have any further questions about what is written above, please don’t hesitate to write your question below. If your question is not related to this topic, please can you create a new topic,

Many Thanks,


many processes, i.e. encapsulation or sandboxing. great.

for those of us running XP on old Compaqs with 2G (max) ram, it don’t work so good.
it’s STATIC encapsulation rather than dynamic, looks like.

I dint read the fine print and it wasn’t until I checked Process Explorer that I thought I saw something unpleasantly familiar: vast forks of SZbrowser eating up my ram! gosh, I thought, it looks JUST like Chrome.

Now I know the reason. It’s… a clone.

PerHAPS you might tweak it a bit more; s’great every (visible?) tab is protected…but
if it ain’t an ACTIVE (ie selected) tab, maybe it could be quenched, swapped out, or memory-minimized even more than it is now? one just needs whatever’s in use to be instantiated, not everything out there. esPECIALLY for us what likes 20 open tabs at the same time…
…because we have very intense [font=comic sans ms]ADD[/font].

…which might be why Firefox crashes so often… that’s another issue.

If ya REALLY want to spice it up, ID the window attached to the process so it’s visible in ProcExp under ‘window title’.

And… PS: ADBLOCK is not the best choice. Can we get UBLOCK?

That IS a great text editor there, tho the neat stuff doesn’t render on AOL. Here yes, there no.

BUT At least it doesn’t crash. Well, yes it does?, but not as often as FF.

They use the same engine but the SafeZone Browser is not a Chrome clone (or clone from any other browser for that matter)

A little correction/add-on to what Steven posted.
Chrome, Opera, Amazon Silk and many other browsers are not using Chromium as engine anymore but the Blink engine.
The Blink engine is developed by the Chromium project though.

The name Blink is at least strongly influenced by the HTML tag that Netscape introduced in Netscape Navigator.
(latest version was released 1998)

Just an observation here but I don’t believe complaining about using it on such an old PC is particularly relevant.

I have been a loyal customer of Avast antivirus for over there years. You installed a browser on my system with your new update. NOT COOL!! I will not put up with these invasive tactics. I checked out your new browser, and do not like it or want it. The only options for a default search engine are Yahoo, Bing, and Google. I will not use these because they track the shit out of your browsing. Anyway, you screwed up by doing this force install!! I will now uninstall your antivirus ware, and with it your forced browser. NOT RIGHT Avast!! I am totally done with Avast.

since I started using this browser when using my online bank avast has stopped me using any purchases unless I am their browser. Not only do I object to avast taking over what I can and cannot do bit it is a complete pain as the browser will not support interactive seating purchase so I now have to phone the club to purchase my tickets. If I was more tec savvy I would get rid of this altogether

Please check the FAQ.
As explained you can tell the SafeZone browser not to open a certain website in Paymode.

I was stoked to discover Avast as an alternative to Chrome, Safari, Edge or other browsers. Seems like all browsers have their Pro’s and Con’s.

I understand the need for security processes that run in the background. I have a fairly new PC that has 16GB RAM and an i7 processor. I don’t mind the processes but I don’t like the sound. It sounds like my PC is running hot. When I bring up Task Manager to look into the processes, even if I only have a few tabs open, Avast will be running somewhere between 25-29 processes.

Most processes are at 0% but the whining sound on the PC can be annoying as hell and may be the reason that I stop using Avast if I do. Just my 2 cents.


Firstly, this topic is 4 years old.
Second, SafeZone was dropped a long time ago, the change to “Avast Secure Browser” which is a totally different product/approach.
I use Avast Secure Browser regularly and do not have that many processes running ‘ever’.
And never any “whinning” sound. ???