Avast SafeZone Browser won't open after running Avast Antivirus repairs

Following the steps advised by Avast Customer Care I have today repaired and reset Avast Antivirus. This was performed following having problems with seeing video on Facebook.

However after rebooting my PC I now receive an error message and my Avast SafeZone Browser will not open at all. The error message (attached) states:

“Profile Error Occurred - Your Preferences files cannot be read - Some features may be unavailable and changes to settings won’t be saved”.

Can anybody please assist with this?

Many thanks,

I had the same issue on one Windows User account. Follow the advice at https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=197536.0 given by ondrejz.

You will have to change windows explorer options to show all files and folders, and also temporarily disable Avast Self Defense.