Avast Internet Security 5.0.677 Final fails to allow the following roughly 50-75% of the time…
Firefox 3.6.9 (plugins are set to load into seperate threads as per default settings) → DivX Web Player plugin. Google Update plugin, Picasa plugin, Flash 10.1 plugin, Silverlight plugin, Yahoo Application plugin Fails to load in a sandbox.
SRware Iron 6.0.475 → Flash 10.1 fails to load in a sandbox.
Opera@USB Portable 10.61 → Flash 10.1 succeeds to load in a sandbox all of the time!
Not even going to bother trying IE 8 even in a sandbox.
Windows 7 Pro x64 (UAC is disabled)
AnVir Task Manager Pro 6.3.1
Process Lasso Pro 3.84.7 (firefox.exe and plugins.exe have been excluded from ProBalance Restraints)
Internet Download Manager 6.02 beta
yeah… plugins and sandbox don’t like each other… hoping 5.1 will bring some improvement. Got the issue with flash player in all browsers + an issue with Java in IE9.
Flash and all my extensions work fine for me in Firefox 3.6.13 when visualized in Avast IS 5.1.889. Tested on the rig in my sig. I have two more PC’s to check out, I’ll post back with the results.