Avast! Sandbox and Google Chrome

Not sure if this right forum - please advise if it’s not.

Trying to run Google Chrome - automatically tries to run in Avast! Sandbox. Comes up with 7 messages of form: “x folder does not exist. The file does not exist. Do you want to create it? Yes or No?” Neither option works or let user move on until 7 attempts at closing the message window have been made.

In the above x is one of these 7 file names: 000136.sst 000137.sst 000139.sst 000167.sst 000168.sst 000169 .sst & one not noted.

Having tried to close window 7 times Chrome seems to work.

Can anyone advise on a course of action?

I have the same issues. When Chrome is running in Sandbox mode, it also is slower and some functions don’t seem to respond.

Would like to have somebody reply as well.

Which version of avast? Free, Pro or AIS?
Which version of Chrome? The latest version seems to kick in the various sandboxes.
It kicked in Comodo Firewall sandbox until I made an exclusion.

If using avast Pro or AIS make the proper exclusions in the file and behavior shields. :slight_smile: