avast says theres a virus in divx installer

hi there i tried to e-mail this file but its to big avast says it has a virus i think its a falls positive. here is name of virus it says it found.
Win32:Adware-gen [Adw]
VPS version:080612-0, 06/12/2008

what do i do i cant submit it for revew as its to big even ziped.
can someone d-load the latest divx and check that file thanks a bunch god i hope it isnt a real virus but a falls positive.

can someone please verify that its a falls positive by d-loading the divx installer i would send it to avast but its to big. http://www.divx.com/

anyone please someone check this for me and report it as i cant thats if its a falls positive please thank you let me know this worries me.

I have no interest in this file myself but … just in the interest of the community I just downloaded this file (again … been there discussed this same file before) from:


I overrode avast warnings and forced the download (not an approach I recommend - but I have multiple layers of recovery).

I submitted the file to VirusTotal for scanning. 3/29 still report adware (including avast) and this appears to be a Yahoo toolbar that (may or maybe not optional) included in the install.

For whatever my opinion is worth … not a big threat … not even a very worrying threat - this is adware - not a virus. I just wish the avast team would pay attention to this concern of avast users … they can check it too with a few keystrokes and let us all know their view.

cruser78 if you want to download this file then just briefly terminate the Webshield while you download (do not forget to restart the Webshield afterwards). Please try to avoid the adware toolbar if possible and also to avoid further alarms delete the downloaded file (and empty the recycle bin).

thanks a bunch that settles my mind i wonder why my actual divx software was never like this. mine was a update install file that it d-loaded from divx.com and installed i did cancel the tool bar. thanks again i was at aww when i let the update pass threw that just scared the heck out of me. i d-loaded the other file the one i listed in the link to see if it was the same and it was so thats why i came here to report it. i wish i could have sent it to avast but was so dang huge even ziped up my mail would not send it lol. again thanks i got my update and now i know i’m not really infected thank god.

Trying to be fair to the avast team … this is a bit tough since adware seems to be included in an optional element of the install.

I would want the avast folks to err on the side of caution and they cannot tell (without the effort of human research) that the adware is optional and most folks are not looking to their AV product to come up with a “this maybe kinda could be a problem” warning.

I hope all works out for you.

working good now i just did a scan no warning yippee all is good

what was (is) detected is probably a Gator gainer… this component is somewhere between legit and unwanted app… it is detected by some AV vendors and not detected by others… it’s a similar case like with MyWebSearch, CoolWebSearch, Zango etc… the question remains - to catch or not to catch? we’re trying to add the detections from time to time, but the developers (or the enthusiastic users) asking us for removing them…

In these cases I’m in favor of keeping the detection. If the user wants, can use the Exclusion Lists. In a lot of cases, the users will be warned that the application is not that innocent as they’ve thought.

I’m not in favor of this removal what for us users that don’t install this with the software and the other software with it is legit. there are allot of us out there that use divx and this toolbar is optional docent have to be installed at all. once software is installed without toolbar and the file moved or deleted its not detected again as its not there. but for the user that docent now that he or she should remove the install file to prevent detection he will repeatedly get the virus or ad aware warning over and over again. this is ridicules and it should be removed from detection. at least this one toolbar. thanks i spoke my pice.

On contrary… the user must use the Exclusion list and not avast remove the detection.

what list i’m sorta new to avast you keep saying list ? what list is there a ignore function?

The Exclusion Lists: are the exclude (see below), there is no button to click to exclude it is deliberately a manual process so you don’t accidentally exclude an infected file.

Add it to the exclusions lists:
Standard Shield, Customize, Advanced, Add and
Program Settings, Exclusions (right click the avast ’ a ’ icon)
Restore it to its original location, periodically check it (scan it in the chest), there should still be a copy in the chest even though you restored it to the original location. When it is no longer detected then you can also remove it from the Standard Shield and Program Settings, exclusions.

Well, I have it installed, a certain time, and it is being updated. It has the Yahoo toolbar and it is optional to install.

The info put here alerted me. Could you detail the suspects you have over DivX? I could use XviD, but the image quality of the divx decoder looks better for me.

Can we consider Yahoo and Google toolbars as spywares? I personally consider Google spyware by all the means of their enterprise practices. And you?

the point i was getting at is why dose avast have to flag a legit program just because it has a optional toolbar install. i contacted the boys at divx and no divx is not spyware. they said that avast is falsely identifying it as such because of its optional yahoo toolbar wish they pointed out to me that thousands of users use each day. so weather it be spyware i don’t care i personally don’t use toolbars but the fact remains is its a false positive and should be removed from detections. anyhow weather avast choses to remove this is up to them i have no problem now that the update is installed and working. it no-longer detects this as its not installed.

I don’t use anyone’s toolbars I don’t find the need and I’m sure they all gather information for marketing purposes, what that data is and if it is anonymous is the question. Since they aren’t too forthcoming about what might be gathered I stay clear of them all.

The problem being, avast doesn’t know if you are going to choose that option and since it is a signature based detection it is going to hiccup when it finds that signature, no matter where it is.

You say the fact remains it is a false positive, well that isn’t a fact.

What I would like to know is why a divx installer needs with the yahoo toolbar in the first place. My suggested answer is money, as they would be getting a referral/affiliate fee for each time someone chooses to install the toolbar. Why would they get paid because the information gathered is valuable to the toolbar’s owner yahoo.

No, they’re not spywares. You can disable annonimous statistics there are sent in some cases.