I’ve used Avast for some time on a WIN8 laptop. In the past few months, it’s been unable to complete the whole scan and always has “some files could not be scanned”. This also corresponds to a significant slowdown that’s been happening with the computer.
All the files appear to be in the Windows/Temp/ directory. This isn’t 10 or 20 files, but several hundred files. I’ve cleaned up the temp files via Windows Disc Clean - no change.
The other strange thing is that I can look at the unscanned file list (attached) in Avast only once. Once I close it, Avast won’t show it to me again unless I rescan. It also won’t let me change the width of the File Name column, though it used to.
I’m concerned that something is hiding in these temp directories. Malwarebytes isn’t finding anything, but the computer is slowing down so much that sometimes it’s buffering my typing keystrokes.
Yup, already read that.
That doesn’t address my issues / questions. And why is there a change is the results? For years, it could scan the whole system.
Repaired Avast. No change - nothing found, hundreds of files it can’t scan.
MBAM - nothing found.
Attaching all the logs.
Still like molasses. Programs often lock up for a while, can’t keep up with my typing…
I’ve removed most non-essential items at startup. Not sure what to do next.
@kurts2: this can be “expected” behavior, let me please explain it… \Windows\Temp is usually used for temporary files/folders, it’s not “normal” that “\Windows\Temp\d325ad1d-…” folder points back to C: drive, because it contains nested “\Windows\WinSxS.…” folder; i mean “d325a…” folder is something as a mount point (or hardlink), which redirects you back to C: drive; when avast detects it’s a recursive folder, we don’t scan it, because we’d end up in the loop
Thanks for that explanation.
What changed? It wasn’t like this til recently. I assume some software like Adobe et al is structuring things differently in the temp folder?
I still have a molasses processor that is being tied up somehow.
files/folders in Temp folder are created/deleted very often – you can check when your “Temp\d…” folder was created.
if you can work with command prompt, you can check this folder: type “dir /a c:\windows\temp\d32*” (there’ll be probably “junction” tag next to this folder).
It’s been a long time since I used commands.
Both the command prompt and Explorer say 8/22/13. I don’t see a junction tag. It’s got some stuff in it - 3,198 folder, 15,504 files. There are some other ones it can’t scan, but most are in D325.
I looked at when programs were installed and nothing pops out. 8/10/13 were some Apple updates. 8/27 was MS Virtual C++.
Scans didn’t start to not be completed until a few months ago, btw.
if you enter into “d32…” folder, you should see C: folder (in reality, this folder doesn’t contain 3k+ folder and 15k+ files, but you probably know that)
I had just followed the folder structure to see some of the files - I totally missed the overall structure. Obviously, D325 is just mirroring C:.
I hate to ask - why? Feel free to point me to some reading material.
Interesting and good to understand, but it still doesn’t help me get a faster computer.