Avast Scan Results > Apply button is grayed out

Trying to help someone who has the following situation:

In the Avast Scan Results, if you expand the Status header, the info you get is:
Error: Archive is password protected (42056)

After recently updating Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader, the many file names that are identified have the following extensions:
.js, .png, and .css

There are files such as:

I understand why Avast cannot open archived files. However, Avast does not allow taking any action with these files.

Move to Chest, Repair, Delete, or, Do nothing, are choices which appear in the drop box next to ‘Apply this action for all’, but, the Apply button is grayed out.

Will these files continue to show in every scan that Avast makes?

How does one go about making sure these files do not show up again in a Scan Log?

Thanks for your help.

Because these files are no threat at all. :wink:
They are just PW protected.

Thanks for the quick reply, Asyn!

Thought that was the case, after reading some of the other posts in this forum, however, will these files continue to show in every scan that Avast makes? That could be a nuisance to contend with…

How does one go about making sure these files do not show up again in a Scan Log?

  1. You’re welcome…!
  2. Well, either get rid of them after the installation (e.g. with CCleaner) or change the report settings of the scan.

If I go to Scan Settings > Report File, under Reported items, the following are checked:
Infected Items
Hard Errors

Would Error: Archive is password protected (42056)be considered a hard error?

Yes. (Unfortunately)

well try clearing up temp files and flash temp files using TFC cleaner.