there’s a snapshot. anyone know why that suddenly showed up?
This should clear things up for you. See David’s reply in this post. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=75677.0
avast is doing a litle clean up in the defs at the same time it was scanning
so when the scanner came there the files are no longer there and can not be found
reboot scan again an it should be gone
I have the exact same problem and Iv’e tried everything.
Please go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then update your Signature: with information like my signature as this helps the helpers offer pertinent advice.
Since this issue seems to be resolved, I’d like to comment on something. YoKenny asked pcclean to update his signature with info like he has in his signature ;D
What did pcclean do ? check his personal message ;D he obviously didnt know what ‘signature’ is
YoKenny: “I love the smell of burning malware in the morning”
pcclean: “I love the smell of barbecued viruses at lunchtime”
Sorry I couldnt help it, and wouldnt have commented unless this issue is resolved ;D