avast scanner pop-up

If someone can’t help me shut off the pop-up function of the access scanner, I will be an ex avast user very quickly. ANNOYING! >:( >:(

Is that your loss or Alwil’s loss?

Dont mean to sound rude but if you want help why not ask in a nice to the point fashion,

for example


Im a new avast user, and i would like some help to disable the virus notification alert for the on-access scanner.

Thanks, DukeNukem

See how that makes us want to help, you started with a negative tone and end with a threat.

It seems that you’ve changed the avast settings without knowing what you were doing…

This is an option disabled by default. You can turn it off going to the Standard Shield provider settings, Advanced tab an unchecking ‘Show detailed information on action performed’. You can do this for the other providers too.
Welcome to avast. The most configurable antivirus around 8)

I apologize if I appeared rude but I was trying to post that as the pop-up thing was blocking my view. It seems pointless to expend energy in curbing negative behavior of software if that which was developed to rein it in exhibits the same behavior. Plus I had spent the morning dealing with a false positive Avast gave me. I was not in a good mood.

Sorry for that… do you remember the name and the path of the infected file?
Do you remeber the name of the virus?
Feel free to ask for help if you need while managing viruses and avast 8)