Avast Scans MSN file Transfers

Hi all,

I noticed that my MSN file transferes to others are really slow even though I have a 1MB DSL connection.

Is this because Avast is scanning the file as its sent? if so is there a way to stop it scanning files transfere via MSN messenger.

I know it scans out going and incomming email attachments and slows this process down but I am less bothered about that.

Another question while I am typing away is there a way for Avast Pro to silently delete infected email so I dont have to aknowledge the alert virus on your system pop up, it would be nice if it could silently do the job its self with out any interaction.


Is this because Avast is scanning the file as its sent? if so is there a way to stop it scanning files transfere via MSN messenger.

I don’t know if avast is causing this but you can certainly try disabling the Instant Messaging shield to check it out. To do this, double click the avast try icon (the a ball), select “Details…>>”, and stop the Instant Messaging provider.

Another question while I am typing away is there a way for Avast Pro to silently delete infected email so I dont have to aknowledge the alert virus on your system pop up, it would be nice if it could silently do the job its self with out any interaction.

Yep it’s possible. Start avast, switch to the Enhanced User Interface, go to the Tasks folder, and edit the Resident Task. Then (depending on your set up, either for the Internet Mail or the Outlook/Exchange provider) change the action on the Virus page from Interactive to e.g. Delete.


OK Thanks I will try that and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

Hello everybody,

I have a problem that may be beacuse of my incorrect settings but havent managed to figure out why. Each time I’m receiving a file via Msn file transfer, Avast scans it which is ok, but pops up the user interface. The problem actually is that if I receive multiple files it opens up each time, so after accepting 3 files I have 3 avast interfaces opened up in three separate windows.
Why is this happening?
My version is 4.6 Home on Xp sp2 prof.

Are you using ashQuick.exe to scan your files? Which interface (window) are you talking about?
I suppose you’re not talking about a pop-up message above the system tray (Did you check ‘Show detailed information on performed action’ option in Stadard Shield advanced tab of settings?).
Welcome to avast forum.

I have checked the process and it was “Ashserve.exe” instead pf ashQuick.exe so I changed it, thank you. Then I asked somebody to send to files in a row and the files came in ok and that certain interface window did not come up (not the system tray message, but the window that normally comes up when you right-click on the Avast tray icon and select “Start Avast! Antivirus” - this is the grey bubble-shaped user inteface that look a little bit like some mediaplayer.) So this has stopped - my problem is now that i have no notifications wether the files have been scanned or not.
How do i set that?

"Then I asked somebody to send to files in a row "

this was meant to be “to send two files in a row”… sorry.

Open the program settings (menu of the system tray icon) and in the first tab of settings check ‘Show scan results of Explorer Extension’ (or something similar to this).

I did as you said and it resulted unbelievably !! Everything was fine until my next reboot where the PC had about 10 minutes just to load the usual startup applications (ms antispyware, sygate firewall, matrox quickdesk etc) and even after that i could hardly move the mouse, was unable to load task manager or launch any application. Pressing the num lock resulted in two seconds of delay for the num lock led :o I’ve never seen my pc become this wasted from anything. Rebooted couple of times and same thing happened, the pc could absolutely not be used, right clicking on the avast icon resulted in basically nothing.

So i went in to safe mode and unticked this option but did not help the situation or actually after a reboot i have at least managed to turn off avast and the pc became normal agaian. But turning it on or rebooting where it started automatically resulted in a 100% CPU usage and the situation above…

Now I uninstalled and reinstalled it again - i don’t dare to tick that box in… how do i get the info wether the msn files have been scanned? ??? ::slight_smile: :-\

i don’t know if that brings you any closer to what the problem could be but what i have is:
ASUS CUV266 with a PIII (normally they act fine though a bit old, even the newest phtotoshop and corel works ok)
adaptec scsi controller
3 scsi hard discs and 3 optical scsi devices
matrox 450
win xp sp2 hungarian
office 2003
msn 7.0
mozilla firefox 1.0
what launches at startup is what i mentioned above, sygate pfw. ms antispyware beta, a wireless network card driver, the matrox and the SB audio driver and avast.

Try the “msconfig” and try to reboot step by step adding 1 application for time. So you can find what is the problem. Did you run a chkdsk?

Open the Registry Viewer of Avast: right click on the blueball and check for errors. Remember to select the sensitivity of this tool by the Program Settings. Icons can help you: my Avast is Italian version as you can see here. :slight_smile:

It was clearly avast that was the problem, as I said after i stopped “On-acces protection controll” and closed its 7 services down, the PC went fine and smooth again. All the way until I tried launching on-access prot. ctrl, cos then again it went to this half-dead state :frowning:

i had a checkdisk about a week ago… you think i should do that again?

For the “registro” i have the sensitivity set to “Info” but as i just reinstalled it, all the logs ar empty now. You think i shoul go ahead ticking the option again? I have a fear if it freezes the pc again, I wont have a chance to look into the log cos it freezes so much it doesn’t react on the right click so i don1t get the menus at all… :frowning:

In this case, if I restart in Safe Mode, will it clear the logs or will i still see what was happening at normal mode at the previous boot?

i am really puzzled by this …


I can’t believe you just change the Log level and the system freezes… It’s almost impossible…
You can set the log level to Debug (the most at bottom one) so all the ‘info’ above will be stored.

No, the logs will be there even if you boot in Safe Mode.

Hi what it froze from was ticking the option mentioned in Post 7…
(“Open the program settings (menu of the system tray icon) and in the first tab of settings check ‘Show scan results of Explorer Extension’ (or something similar to this).”)

And, as I wrote, before this tick I changed the process to Ashserve.exe. Than the tick. Than the crazy freezing. Then having to reinstall.

Tomorrow i’ll try to tick it again, now i’m to wasted after 2 hours of mouth surgery with some stuck tooth. All i would need is a freezing computer now ::slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Wow I have turned on “Show scan results of Explorer Extension” again to test and everything is working as designed! I have recieved multiple files via msn for testing it gives the tiny popup windows about scanning them and it all just works great.

Thank you guys for everything.