Avast! Scary Guy talking to me :(

Hi, you know when that the virus database gets updated or when a virus is found, you get this scary guy talking to you?

It made me jump from my chair the first day I got avast :frowning:

I remember reading somewhere that you can change it but I forgot whereā€¦I tried finding the settings myself but I just canā€™t find them. Maybe Iā€™m not looking hard enough.

Is it also possible to create custom sounds for avast? Like instead of saying ā€œVirus database has been updatedā€ it would say ā€œI like pieā€ or something.

Not sure if this would be the correct forum to ask in but please excuse me if Iā€™m in the wrong place. Thanks.

Right click on avast tray icon
Program settingsā€¦

Hi CatWaffles!

If you want some nice female voice please take a look at this topic:


I think the guyā€™s voice is hot. ;D

LOL i like the notification voice!

It rocksā€¦I think only avast! has this feature!^^


I prefer the nice female voice.

It depends. :wink:

Then thats mean its okay if we modify the sound with our own creation for personal use? ??? (I donā€™t think ever read it on the EULA)

You canā€™t modify the sound of the original avast .wav file as a) the self-defence module would block and b) avast may well replace it on its integrity checks. You simply have a different audio file you point the avast Sounds at.

my husband and I both like any of the voice he likes me to change them some times and he knows avast is always looking out for our computer.
Sharon ;D

Oh sorry, I mean to make a own modified voice (kind like our own voice), and point avast sound to that file.