Avast Scheduled Boot-Scan not working

It seems as though for the past 4-5 times I have tried to schedule a boot-scan and everything goes as planned. Only thing is, when it comes up to the screen where it’s scanning the files, it says it cannot scan and just continues without scanning.

I used to be able to use this feature, and would love to continue to. So, if you have any ideas, help is appriciated.

As of now, I’m going to try to re-download and re-install the software to see if that will help.

Thanks for the help!

Kevin A.

Isn’t there any other error message?
The report file is created automatically in \Data\Report\aswBoot.txt
Is there any other info?
Are you using Windows XP?

04/06/2007 15:01

Keyboard Error
Number of searched folders: 0
Number of tested files: 0
Number of infected files: 0

And yes, I’m running Windows XP: Home SP2

Do you have a usb keyboard?

Umm…oddly, yes. That would effect it eh ???

I should think there would be a way to fix this…any idea?

The usb drivers are loaded with windows. Since the boot scan runs before windows loads, the drivers aren’t available, hence the keyboard error.

If your bios supprots usb, you may be able to turn the drivers on from there. However you might still need a ps2 keyboard to navigate or even enter the bios.

Your best bet would be to plug in a ps2 keyboard and go from there.

My thoughts are that it shouldn’t effect the scan, just potentially stop you interacting with the scan if an infected file is found. If USB devices aren’t enabled in the BIOS then when asked enter 1. delete to, 2. to Delete all, etc. the keyboard input wouldn’t be recognised.

The scan may stall at that point because of no input or opt for a default value, perhaps move to the chest and continue. I haven’t had to do many boot-time scans and none that found an infected file to test these options.

Note: This is an old bot scan image as the new boot-time scan can also send files to the avast chest, by far the best option.

It would appear this has happened before, mind you it’s a very old post


So, if I turn on the USB Keyboard thing is the BIOS it should work? Because, as far as I know, my keyboard works fine to configure the USB settings. It’s installed and all, because…well, because I’m using it now.

I don’t see how that would effect anything if it asked for a selected option. I went into the advanced options and set it so that all the viruses are deleted without confirmation.

I’ll go into the BIOS and try changing some stuff, hopefully won’t ruin anything. I’ll let you know how it turns out…

Thanks for the help guys

EDIT: I went into my BIOS settings, and yes, my keyboard worked fine for it. However, the USB Boot settings and everything were turned on. So, everything works fine with my USB Keyboard. At least, everything but Avast…so, any other ideas.

In my opinion, this sounds like it could be a stupid, yet simple to fix, bug. Why would the Avast team not have noticed this and fixed it?

I don’t know, if you can see the boot-time scan screen (see my previous image) ?

Then can you schedule it again and when it starts, click the Esc (escape) key, if that aborts the scan then your keyboard is being recognised and it could to be something else, what I’m unsure.

It won’t hurt to try to interrupt the boot to try and enter the BIOS settings, but if your USB keyboard isn’t set-up you may not even be able to do that. It is a chicken and egg situation, if your keyboard isn’t recognised prior to windows boot then you can’t get in to adjust the settings.

How old is your system and did the USB keyboard come with it ?

As has been said if you can borrow a ps2 keyboard that will certainly work if the same problem occurs then it isn’t keyboard or BIOS related.

You say you were going to try a reinstall but didn’t report the result, I assume because you are still chasing it didn’t work ?

Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD so you can find it later.

Now uninstall, reboot, run the uninstall utility, reboot, install, reboot.

Well… Windows drivers are loaded so you can use your keyboard.
At boot time, you need to configure the keyboard through BIOS.
avast at boot time is loaded before Windows…

Do you mean your keyboard works while loading the BIOS and changing its settings?
Another idea? Change the keyboard while using avast at boot time (which shouldn’t be that frequent…).

Well, other users with USB keyboard do not have problems…
Besides, avast at boot time is an exclusive feature of avast. You don’t need it… you need an antivirus protection and you can run an on-demand scanning while you’re logged with Windows…

I can see the boot screen, I can’t bypass it by pressing the ESC key.

I just bought this computer in like August-October 2006, somewhere around there. The keyboard didn’t come with the computer (even though a keyboard was optional in the first place). I did already try re-installing avast, and it didn’t change anything.

Yes, my keyboard works while changing the BIOS and settings.

Although I don’t need boot-time scan, it comes in handy for those pesky .dll viruses that can’t be deleted.

I will try switching keyboards in a bit, I have a lot to do at the moment; and I will report the result to you…

Once again, thanks for the help!

Kevin A.

EDIT: Switching to a PS2 Keyboard worked just fine. However, I still can’t see why this USB Keyboard wouldn’t work. I should hope this isn’t a bug, as it seems it would be a simple one to fix.

So, is there anything I can do to use my USB Keyboard instead of the PS2 one?

So, it should work with avast…

It should work as you’ve posted before. avast just need a working keyboard, USB or PS2… if you say that the USB support is turned on… I see no reason for avast does not work at boot time…

You may be able to get hold of a USB to PS2 connector, once you have scheduled a boot-time scan connect that to your keyboard before you boot, this would ba marginly better than hooking up another keyboard.

What is your Motherboard and BIOS maker ?

It might be worth looking at this topic, same issue and see if there are any common factors, keyboard, motherboard, etc. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=27657.0.

Tech, I agree with you, and have no explanation myself.

DavidR, I have read that article, and there are many similarities; however, it looks as though a software solution was never found and the guy had to buy a USB to PS2 Connector. Although I know I could do that, wouldn’t it be nice if we could find a solution for this so that in the future, maybe we can find an alternative solution much rather than purchasing something?

Maybe this could provide you with some information on my computer.

As for my keyboard, it’s a Saitek - Eclipse II keyboard. Nothing too special.

I agree, that the simple solution would be to purchase a USB to PS2 Connector. However, I can’t see this being a requirement to run a simple piece of software.

So, any other suggestions?

Sorry I have no other suggestions, my experience of this is limited, I’m just an avast user like yourself and this is essentially a hardware issue (how to get your keyboard recognised before its drivers are loaded) not easily resolved by software that isn’t run until windows boots.

This is as we have said is usually achieved by changing the BIOS settings to enable USB Devices on boot and not just when the OS is loaded. The problem is if the KB isn’t recognised at this early stage you won’t be able to change the BIOS settings, if you can change the BOIS settings then why can’t the KB be recognised, it is a really frustrating problem. One that seems to defy logic but fortunately isn’t widespread or we would see more occurrences of it in the forums, so to have two in the space of a week is very unusual.

I’m currently sat at my system with two mice attached, a usb wireless optical mouse and a ps2 mouse (my back-up) used for the odd occasion I need to use one program outside of windows where my usb mouse doesn’t work, yet in other applications and in the BIOS my usb mouse works. I tried for a long time to resolve this without success so my back-up ps2 mouse sits waiting for action (as you have to have plugged in the ps2 connector before boot) and no conflict with the other mouse.

I don’t know if avast could somehow change the boot-time initiation to first load a keyboard driver or if that is possible, but which driver to load, how would it know, not to mention for those that don’t experience this problem what would the consequence of loading another KB driver. It certainly needs someone with a good deal more technical experience than I have got on how hardware is recognised at boot.

All I know is this isn’t likely to happen in the short term so the converter if it works is a reasonably cheap work around. Personally I would go for a cheap spare PS2 KB that you know works than a converter that may work, as I have said I have had some unsuccessful attempts at this kind of work around with a converter. I have even dumped my previous usb wireless media KB with all the bells and whistles (that I rarely if ever used) and occasional quirkiness of a wireless device and gone back to a PS2 KB.

I’m getting to old for this :o to keep up :-\

Just a thought re keyboards.
There should be no problem having both PS2 and USB keyboards “'permanently” attached. I have done this before with a dual-boot 95/XP machine. In XP you could use either but in 95 the USB one was ignored.

True, I could do that…but where’s the convenience in that ???

It is about finding a work around and trying to switch keyboards or hooking up via a usb/ps2 converter which isn’t convenient either.

If you schedule a boot-time scan you would have to connect the converter before you boot, the problem is when you plug in a ps2 keyboard (even via the usb/ps2 converter) it won’t respond as it wont be recognised until you boot.

Unlike USB devices, PS2 devices aren’t hot swappable and there is the rub, once you plug it in via the converter how do your either schedule a boot-time scan (if you haven’t already done so) or close down your system when your keyboard isn’t responding if you are using the converter option.

So having the PS2 keyboard already plugged in and out of the way behind or under the monitor, etc. means it is ready should you need it. Convenient it most certainly is not but nothing about having to swap keyboard or use a converter is going to be.

I have no idea why this is happening to you, bios, motherboard combination, etc. but for the very great majority when the bios is set-up the enable usb devices on boot they do work in the boot-time scan.