Hi, I have been using avast! 7 for a couple months now and the scans have worked properly until now. I set avast! to do a full system scan on Wednesday at 12:10 PM but when I look in the scan logs, it’s not there. Please help, this is becoming very annoying. >:(
Is your computer awake at that time?
No, it sleeps after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Oh… Seems that Windows is not allowing avast! to awake the computer and scan.
How can I fix this problem?
avast GUI>scan now>settings>schedule this scan>tick the box “wake-up computer if in sleep mode”
I have already checked the box. Thanks for the help anyways!
Try a repair Control Panel>uninstall>double click “avast”> scroll to and click repair>reboot
Thanks for the suggestion.
The solution did not work. I never had troubles with scheduled scan on AVG. >:(
When you look at your scan logs, click on the downward arrow on the right side. You should be able to scroll down and maybe find the missing scan.
I only have two scans. I just re-installed not to long ago to attempt to fix the problem. Saying 12:10 PM for the time is OK, right? I don’t need to switch it to something else?
Avast just started a scan now. It should of started it at 12:10 PM.
I think you have to use military time for scheduling. I may be wrong about that, but if you want to schedule a scan for 12:10 p.m. try scheduling it for 24:10.
Isn’t that somewhere at 12:00 AM? 12:10 has always worked for me.
In military time, 12:10 is 10 minutes after noon. 10 minutes after midnight would be 00:10 as the day starts within the second after midnight (24:00). 24:10 doesn’t exist at all.
Anyway I could fix this problem?
Verify that your system time is correct.