Avast screen pops up

every time a download finishes in Firefox the Avast screen pops up, it’s really annoying, last time i was playing Syberia 2 when it poped up it f***ed the image and i had to load the last save >:(

Athlon 64 3200+ 2,2Ghz XP pro sp3 1Go DDR2 Kingston Firefox 3.6.3 ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 Avast 5.5.545 Free edition Comodo firewall 4.1.149672.916 Free edition

What screen, a screen shot of it might help us to help you ?

What do you mean by downloading, files or are you talking about the avast Updates ?

Like the attached image ?
If so then disable the notification, see image2 or switch to silent/gaming mode, image3.

i already tried silent mode without results
when i am downloading a driver for example or anything with firefox, it appends when the download finishes just after the automatic scan for viruses

Then presumably you are having firefox or a download plug-in have avast scan the download ?

If so, then my guess is that you are using the wrong executable (avastUI.exe) to attempt the scan and not ashQuick.exe, resulting in the displaying of the avast User Interface and this ‘isn’t normal procedure’ for avast.

Exact! it was the plug-in Download Statusbar, now it works perfectly with ashQuick.exe
thank you :slight_smile:

No problem, a belated welcome to the forums.