avast screen takes time to come up

I am using avast 5.0.594 on windows 7 32bit with 2 gb ram. I have noticed that when I double click the desktop icon or avast task bar icon,it takes about more than a minute for the avast control panel to come up…Even after it shows up it takes a while for the program to get responsive.

Never happened before…I ran a full scan and found nothing.

I don’t have any firewall installed other than the standard windows defender.

What do you have in your Start up (when your machine boots up)? There may be something trying to load before Avast or things you do not need to Start Up that you can delete or delay. It is normal for all the Avast shields to load (some quicker than others) but it shouldn’t take over a minute, so check to see what other things you have loading at Start up.