When it’s running is it also scanning?
Sure, that is the purpose: scanning while the screensaver is running.
I just found the screensaver a couple days ago so was just curious. It’s really neat and I enjoy watching it.
What is it scanning ??? if your screen saver is on there’s nothing to scan.???
It’s the Avast Screensaver and when it’s on it’s scanning files. Have you not seen it yet?
It's really neat and I enjoy watching it.yea.....as interesting as watching paint dry ;D
i dont sit and watch my screensave but we are all different…i guess that depends what screensaver you use…you can change that
a neat feature is that if you interupt the screensaver, it remeber where it was and will start at the same place when it is back on again…unless you have rebooted
so no need to scedule a scan…
I don’t just sit and watch it. I have a TV in my office so when I’m in here watching TV the screensaver opens after 10 minutes I so I watch it for a few minutes, then I get on my computer and do the things I do everyday.
I know I can change my screensaver and sometimes change to Cozi.