Avast Secunia Advisory:

Hi all

I receive emails from Secunia web site and i have received this today.
Thought i would pass it on.

avast! LHA Archive Processing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Does any body at Alwil know about this.

I should have stated that this problem is in versions prior to versions 4.7.869 for desktops and 4.7.660 for servers.

As i am just curious why Secunia would be reporting something that has been fixed with the latest 2 versions.


Does any body at Alwil know about this.

Well, of course we know about this, as we fixed it. ;D

See http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-4-home_pro-revision-history.html

I am fully aware that you had fixed it as i stated that this was before version 4.7.869

What i was referring to was were Alwil äware of this latest Secunia advisory for LHA Archive Processing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability dated 9 8 06.
Like you stated Alwil fixed it

Not sure if you are referring that i may be mentally challenged or something, as i will repeat in my post i have mentioned that it was fixed in "Version 4.7.869


OK, I see, sorry… :slight_smile:

Yes, we have seen the Secunia advisory, in fact, we’ve been in contact with Ryan who discovered the problem.


Thanks Vlk

Cheers pete