Avast Secure Browser and Online OneDrive Folder

I do not see any of my OneDrive folders online. They’re in the explorer locally but there’s nada online.

I have done all the usual things from uninstalling, reinstalling both the secure browser and my one drive. Disabled and then re-enabled all the browser settings including rebooting my WIN 10.

I have no problem doing all the usual editing etc…etc…etc on my Onedrive with Edge or Chrome - it’s just the Avast Safe Browser.

I don’t seem to be having any problems on other web storage applications either.

Any idea what’s going on? Might have to uninstall the Avast Safe Browser at this rate. Other than the OneDrive issue - I am otherwise loving the browser.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, best you post/ask here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=78.0