Avast Secure Browser - clear history when closing browser


I’d like to clear history automatically when closing the browser.
Is there a way to do this in ASB, (with detailed settings) as it can be done in Firefox, Chrome, Edge?
I cannot find it…

Thank you.


Here are the steps,
Settings > privacy > cookies and other site data
scroll down till you find the following:


slide this to ON if that’s what you want to do.

Thank you Bob, this one was well hidden :slight_smile:
It’s a pity it’s not possible to access more detailed choices as Firefox does.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Cheers Bob! :slight_smile:

Sometimes you ned to dig deep if it’s important. At least the option is there. :slight_smile:

This does not work. It may clear cookies but browsing history remains unless manually cleared.

First I don’t use ASB, but Firefox and the two are different.

  1. Cookies and Site Data
  2. History.

I can only assume this could be the same in ASB as the categories differ slightly. So check if there is a History section in ASB.

This should help.

Avast Secure Browser - clear cookies and history
when closing browser

