AVAST SECURE BROWSER GOES "SNAP"AND LOSES ALL MEMORY?(oh and your capshtsha,whatever you call it,is impossible to read.they are unintelligible.—like this Avast browser has become
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Try increasing your virtual memory a little bit. It doesn’t take much. It worked for me, have not got the Oh Snap! page in a long time.
Avast Secure Browser continues to be crashed by the website stuff.co.nz but no others. Virtual memory available 8.5GB.
Thank you for the report!
Can you please send me your diagnostics info, because i cannot reproduce this bug.
- Open the browser and click on the menu icon (3 dots)
- Click on “Help and About Avast Secure Browser” and then “About Avast Secure Browser”
- Click on “Diagnostic Information” (this will open a pop-up window)
- Click the “COPY TO CLIPBOARD” button to capture the information and paste it here.
Thank you!