Avast seems to hang my Win8.1 Startup

Having some issues with Avast I believe. I’ve used Avast for quite a few years now and not really had huge issues before.

The symptom is this. After I install Avast, the first reboot goes well, but then after that it often pauses after I log on for 3-5 minutes. It seems to occur right before starting up Avast. So I don’t see Avast in the notification tray yet. Also if I try to go to the Control Panel or Event viewer it just hangs.

Anyone have any ideas what is going on? Or even if there were a way to troubleshoot. I’ve been looking for avast messages in the event viewer but don’t see them.

If I uninstall Avast the problem goes away.

Thanks for all the help


avast! UI > Settings > Troubleshooting > Load avast! services after system services (something similar to that)

Seems to have fixed it. Do that have any idea what is going on? Seems like it should start up at the start.

You may have a lot of program to configured to run at startup…

Start > Run ( Windows + R key) > type “msconfig” > Go to Startup > Uncheck any NOT needed startup entries

Even if you set it as the way ( system services ) … it will only load Microsoft services and then avast! will load…

So in simple words, Microsoft processes will load, then avast! will and then followed by the other programs, so it shouldn’t have an affect on protection.

You can try unchecking some startup entries, rebooting and removing the troubleshooting part (in avast) and then see if that fixes it.

Either way, seems to have solved my issue. Thanks for the help.

So, you are saying that if you do the avast! UI > Settings > Troubleshooting > Load avast! services after system services that only the MS services load then the Avast…then your normal startup services ?

Also, this does not increase risk at all ?

Yes, as far as I’m aware.

Since it loads Microsoft first, I highly doubt it’ll cause a risk BUT I would NOT recommend this unless you are having issues such as the OP.

It definitely loads more than MS services. I see NVidia and RealTek things starting up before it.

Yes, I’m a bit leery about this. it’s a brand new install. I really think it has something to do with Samsung Magician, but it is just a guess.

The last time I tested it… it loaded Microsoft ones.

Remember… the service may be running but the tray icon might not be there…

Check in task manager.

You could try disabling the conflicting program and then see…

EDIT: Before trying a clean install check if avast! antivirus is set up to start “Automatic”

Start > Run (windows + R key ) > type “services.msc” > Scroll down to “avast! antivirus” and see the startup type it has.

It’s possible a clean install could probably fix the issue if it’s an issue with avast!

You could try that:

  1. Download Avastclear, Rejzors uninstall tool and the appropriate Avast program edition

Note: You need to be ONLINE during this install


Avastclear : http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe
Rejzors Uninstall tool: http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/

  1. Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
  2. Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
  3. Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
    Check : Once uninstalled check in device manager>view>show hidden devices if there is anything related to avast with a yellow triangle… if so, uninstall it and reboot.
  4. Install the version you downloaded.
  5. Reboot.