Hi guys, it’s me again.
I was unable to connect to internet [no network detected] therefore I started the windows 8.1 relife program.
I have downloaded and installed chrome browser, ccleaner, mbam.
Did not succeed to install Avast Free Antivirus.
Avast warning “The installer is unable to initialize early Avast self-defense with error 0x00000005! Aborting!”
Since you restored Windows 8.1, you probably now have the trial version of what ever AV came with your computer.
That’s also what the error indicates. Totally remove the other AV before you attempt to install Avast.
It would have been easier to fix the internet problem…
Thanks Asyn and Bob for your replies.
I have installed 178 Windows updates and Windows 8.1 which took several hours.
What exactly do I have to remove, both Avast Antivirus Free and Mc Afee?
Starting with which one first?
Thanks. I have downloaded and installed Avast Free Edition, have run smart scan twice.
The software updater can not update Adobe Reader. Which seems to be outdated acc. to Avast.
Installed version 11.0.00 [dutch].
How to update?
Hi Eddy, thanks. Smart scan indicates outdated software [Adobe Reader 11.0.00] and the software updater from Avast isn’t able to update, can you run a check on your computer to verify this issue?