I add some paths to exclude the real-time protection, then close the user interface and then I start again avastUI, the stored paths are gone! I nedd help, thanks.
You must add the exclusion by editing the group into the avast business console, have you done it?
Thank you. I have added the exclusions by editing the group into the “avast! Administration Console”, and now I can see the same exclusions also in the Settings of “avast! Business Protection” client, but if I add some exclusions in client’s “File System Shield” , then I close “avast! Business Protection” client and then I open again “avast! Business Protection” client, the “File System Shield” exclusions are not hold. I need to exclude from Real-Time Shield some paths. Thanks
you’ve probably set exclusion for on demand scanning.
For adding exclusion in File System Shield:
[ol]- Open the administration console. - Navigate to NETWORK > Edit group settings > Expert settings > I’ll take the risk.. - Find ‘avastcfg://FileSystemShield/FileSystem/ScanException’ property and amend its value with the exclusions you want – see examples:[/ol]<RW>C:\path\to\file.ext; <RW>?:\exclusions\also\sup?ort\wildcards\*;
Note: Multiple exclusions have to be separated by a semi-colon symbol.
Thank you very much!!! Now everything works!
You’re welcome
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