Dear Avast Gurus and Users,
Are the Avast manual update problems (including a VPS dated 3105 downloaded on 02/06 ?!?!?!) over the few days dangerous for my computer?
Have the Avast update servers been hacked? Or is it only a power failure problem?
- I too have suffered the delays in the manual updates noted in the forum
- For the first five minutes the status ‘connection terminated 0%’ appears
- Then after numerous retries an 14mb update dated 3105 downloaded and installed
- My about Avast panel shows ‘File Version 080602-0’ and 'Compilation Date 02/06/08
- The build panel shows 'Build: May 2008 (4.8.1201)
- I’m running Avast Pro 4.8.1201 on Micro$oft Window$ XP
- In the 3 years I’ve been running Avast I’ve never had a virus, worm, trojan or anything
- The stability of Avast has impressed me over this period
- The support of the gurus and users on this forum is first-class
Best wishes and keep up the sterling job lads!