Since I updated my Avast free edition to its current version in my and my father computers, in both computers, Avast service process consumes 100% CPU for NO REASONS!!!
I even phoned to my computer technician, that said me that he received, compliants from his clients about this problem.
This resulted of me removing Avast free edition from my father computer, and installing Microsoft Security Essentials temporarly, until the problem will be resolved.
Please take care!
Hi dor123, is there any other security installed on the systems ?
No. This problem began, after I updated Avast to the lastest version.
We need to know what operating system you are using?
Cross check your computer and download malware bytes free and update it and do a quick scan to check for malware.
No issues on my computer win xp sp3
If there is no other security software ( malware scanners, firewall ? ) on the system then I would suggest a repair and reboot first to see if that helps, next step would be a clean install.
bobo1 the operating system is mentioned in the signature.
In my copmuter, my Avast did this problem as soon as I installed it, after removed AVG, but this worsen after the update, like here in my father computer.
Update: It turned out, that in my computer, Avast service process, AvastSvc.exe, don’t do this problems, but only in my father computer.
When I will have an access to my father computer, I will remove MSE and reinstall Avast, and check if this problem returns.