Avast services & firewall rules

I’m trying to get a grasp on what these services do, and set the rules in my Comodo FW.

The ones I’ve noticed so far are:

avast.setup - I gather this is the auto-updater? So “allow outbound” would suffice?

AvastSvc.exe - This appears to be listening in on ports in the 12000 range. What exactly is this doing? Should I be granting it internet access? If so what type (outbound)?

I’m guessing there are ones for the mail and web guards as well, and perhaps others. Naturally I’d set the mail guard as an email client. What are some others I might be missing that need internet access?


Usually avast is fully trusted in comodo by default. Seems you disallowed it somehow.
Make it trusted again - problem solved. :slight_smile:

Avastsvc.exe integrates all avast services , it should be granted full internet access. You can’t do anymore what was possible in Avast 4, apply email client rules to the mail scanner, or “browser” to the web shield as they’re not separate entities anymore. The services are separate, but they belong to the same process.

Avastsetup is indeed for updates >>> full access too. CIS does it by default in both the firewall and def+. Remains AvastUI >>> do what you want with it :wink:

I run mine in custom policy mode. That’s why I wanted a rundown on what the services are/do to know what types of access rights to grant. “Trust” isn’t an issue here. I wouldn’t put software on my computer that I didn’t trust in the first place.

Thank you Logos! And yes, I’ve already set a rule for that UI. Unlike the last AV vendor I went through, this one knows how to go about advertising their product the right way.