I’m new to avast! and therefore to this forum.
I installed it, set it up to be in french (I am french, sorry about that;) and it seems to work quite well, but…
how do I tell it not to open a new window everytime I receive an infected email (several a day these days), and how do I tell it to delete the infected file immediatly without asking me what I want to do in a anothr new window ?
Welcome to the forums, Rene!
The information you need should be in the Help files included with the avast!4 home version. If after looking there you still need help, return here and let us know.
Check the “Silent mode” - you can have the infected files automatically be moved to Chest.
In the Professional version of avast!, there are some other possibilities…
Thanks guys. I was wondering what this “silent mode” meant ! Now I know, I just set it up.
This AV really is great.
I remember spending a lot of money for Norton Systemwork when I got my first PC. Just a while after I installed it, I had to remove everything except Norton AV, Systemwork was doing more harm than good !
And know that I just upgraded to a more powerful PC and Windows XP, it not compatible any more !
Tip of the hat to those who developpe excellent free softs like Avast!