Hello everyone. I’ve just done a compleat reinstall of my OS because of a program called “System Mechanic 7 Pro” grrrr! I’m using COMODO firewall and of course avast antivirus(i love it(so far lol)) but I’m having some problems configuring some settings regarding email notification of alerts using on access, screen saver and on demand. My incoming and outgoing email is “Windows Live Mail”. I’m very confused about how to get this option to work so if ANYONE could help it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance to all those who respond to this Q.
Ensure that comodo allows internet access for ashMaiSv.exe the avast email scanner. If this is blocked so is your email.
You don’t say what OS you are using, I assume not win9x or winME (which would require manual setup to get it to work) ?
I think this is part of the question asked here.
I believe he’s using XP
Yes I’m using Windows XP. Yes my firewall is configured to allow in & out access for the email scanner. I’ll try the link posted. thanks for the help.
The link posted is of no help My main problem is under settings-Alerts & SMTP. I’ve added my hotmail account under SMTP in alerts but under SMTP I’m not sure as to the “Server Address” for my “Windows Live Mail” and can’t find any info as to how to find it or what it is. any ideas?
Enter your email address.
You don’t put your email in the server address, that would have something like smtp.yourispname.com and the From address is any valid email that will be what is shown as who sent the email.
Open the Windows Live Mail (sorry I don’t use it so will be guessing based on OE6) WLM, Tools, Accounts and right click on your default email account, select Properties, select the Server tab and that will give the server address. If you have to give a user name and password (authentication) in the WLM to send email you will also have to enter those details in the
You then need to set-up who is to receive the alerts (your hotmail email address). The Alerts section of the Program Settings deals with this, you will see a sub section SMTP within Alerts. Click the smtp and then the Add button, SMTP and you will get a pop-up, Net Alert Address, enter your hotmail address here.
See image having completed the SMTP server settings and any authentication, then set-up an smtp alert email address you can click the Test button on my image and that should send a test alert to your hotmail account.
Now all of the above is dependant on your having a normal pop3 email account that you can send email from. If you only have a hotmail account which is a webmail account you won’t be able to do that because it doesn’t use the normal SMTP protocol to send email.
my email is
I don’t need to know your email address. I would also suggest that you remove it as this is a publicly available forum and is likely to be trawled by spam bots looking for email addresses to add to their lists.
The main question is have you now been able to set it up ?
i’m not having any luck :-[ i’m not sure as to put what info where :-\
You have to be more specific or I can’t help as I don’t know wher you are having problems, “not having any luck,” just doesn’t help.
Have you got a normal email account with your ISP or do you only use hotmail ?
Have you been able to find your email accounts properties in windows live mail ?
If not is there not a help file to suggest how you would setup a new email account as that should indicate how to get to the account settings.
Yes i use “Hotmail” only. i put the info from the locations u specify but I’m not sure if i;m putting the right ones in the right place. I’m out for today. I’ll log back in tomorrow n check.
If you only have a Hotmail account you can’t use this function as it requires a normal SMTP account to be able to send email, via your Windows Live Mail (WLM) email client.
The WML being an MS email program can receive and send hotmail through WLM using something called webdav (I believe that is what it is called) this isn’t an smtp protocol and as such can’t be used.
k so what I’m reading is with a “Hotmail” account the forwarding of alerts will not work. I’ll set up an other mail account n try again.
That is right as the Hotmail doesn’t use standard smtp protocols when used with Window Live Mail, so you can’t setup the SMTP section in the avast program settings, smtp section.
I’ve tried sending alerts to another email address “XXX@accesscomm.ca” with no success :o even though access tells me their email uses SMTP protocols. As “Windows Live Mail” is my default email handler for send\receive is that my problem :-\
Sending it to a different address will make no difference at all. The problem is the sending of the email from your system not the receipt. You have to have SMTP sending capability and your hotmail account hasn’t got that capability.
That is why I asked if you had an ISP email account (as you should be able to send using their smtp server) ?
I have my own domain and can send email through its smtp server. Had I not got that or it was down I can use my ISP’s smtp server.
Hotmail doesn’t have an smtp server so you can’t send through it, so changing the recipient email will make no difference.
What settings did you put into the avast SMTP server address ?
WOO HOO i think we’re getting it straightened out here ;D Yes my ISP has issued me an email account & yes they SMTP. Now how do i set it up so my PC sends using than n not windows live mail
Windows Live Mail really isn’t in the equation, other than in the accounts section of it is where the details of your accounts are held and the server address we needed for the avast SMTP setup.
Now if your ISP has issued you with an email account, they should have given you the server details, the ports they use and if authentication is required (most likely) the user name and password required.
So that is the information you need from your ISP and transfer that information into the avast SMTP setup.
k I’ll give them a call n I’ll update shortly