Avast settings issue

Whenever I try to untick something in avast (Animate Icon when scanning) i press OK, but then it goes back to being checked :frowning:

This is extremely general,could you be more specific please, as this will help in providing relevant support. What is it you are attempting to tick? When are you attempting?
What version and product of Avast are you using. ???

Sorry, Avast 5.1.889 Internet security free version. I right click the icon, go to ā€œOpen Avast! User Interfaceā€, hit settings at the top right and when I untick something, then press ā€œOKā€

1.)Unticking http://screensnapr.com/v/3ZwCXy.png

2.) I pressed OK http://screensnapr.com/v/rzs7GQ.png

3.) Pressed settings and its the same as it was before. http://screensnapr.com/v/ErrxnC.png

There isnā€™t a free version of Avast Internet Security, unless you are talking about the 30 day trial version.

Do you happen to be running this as a user with limited rights, as I donā€™t know if that would allow for changing some settings.

Your first image doesnā€™t show your having unchecked the animate icon when scanning, so I wouldnā€™t expect to see it any different in your third image, nor the icon not to be animated.

If I uncheck the Animate the icon when scanning and click OK, it stops the animation and when I go back into the Settings, it is still unchecked.

The Use special graphic effects (which was unchecked in image1 but checked in image3) has nothing to do with the animation of the icon when scanning, but the avastUI and menus, etc.