Avast settings reset when Windows improperly shuts down

A while back I posted a thread about when Avast updates it resets all the settings for the program. That seems to have been fixed, I haven’t noticed any weirdness since that post. However recently I discovered Avast uses a very poor way of handling settings. When Windows for whatever is shutdown unexpected, all settings are set to default. This not only could be considered an exploit for the firewall, but is very, very annoying. Can this please be fixed? I’m really tired of Windows creeping out of my computer, it also slows down everything when Avast freaks out because something went wrong.

A more detailed explanation and some screenshots would certainly be helpful. Thanks

I already given you the best explanation I can. When my computer shutdowns in a non-proper fashion, Avast’s firewall settings are reset. On the next startup Windows becomes nearly unusable because of the firewall. Non-proper include but are not limited to: force power off, Windows Key > Shutdown > Save Data Prompt > Shutdown anyway, BSOD, random power off. I am on the latest Avast Internet Security (also happens on premier), as it’s set to auto update (which it still prompts me for -_-). Despite that, this has been happening for quite some time now.

Hi diamondpumpkin1,

thanks for your report. Could you please be more specific what firewall setting you have trouble with? Are you talking about system/packet rules or general firewall settings? Avast handles its settings in real-time - that means when you change anything in avast it is immediately saved and unexpected reboots/shutdowns should not discard it.

Thanks in advance,

All of them, and it’s now happening whenever the hell it feels like it. I just restarted my computer a minute ago, perfectly fine reboot and my settings were set to default. My packet settings were deleted, the detection was set to auto-decide instead of ask, my program settings were all deleted. This is really getting on my nerves.

And now I just found evidence my local server was breached, this is exactly why I want to control everything and anything that goes in and out of my computer.

Sounds like a malware infection in your PC, I would advise running either a full scan at safe mode or a boot-time scan. Also, you could get a second opinion scanner (like Malwarebytes) to help fight off the malware.

The server being breach is completely unrelated to my personal computer. This has been happening for several system wipes, it is not malware.