While going through the Avast Resident Provider settings, I noticed that there is a box that is left blank by default. It is right below the scan files on open check box and right below it is a checked box for always scan whs or something like that. I was wondering what this field is used for and should there be any values entered in this field.
Hi Cochise,
I would suggest re-reading the avast Help file > Resident Protection > Standard Shield Provider Settings > Scanner (Advanced) Page.
Example of my settings:
HTH David
…and my example…
NOTE: under ADDITIONAL EXTENSIONS, full line looks like this:
Cheers !
My suggested list of extensions are on FAQ (link on my signature, browse a little that thread).
That list is the ‘extended’ list, ie, besides the default ones, the list of extensions you want avast to access on-access
There is no point of adding archive extensions to the On-Acces module. They will be scanned as plain file. Viruses inside won’t be detected.
Are you sure?
Why we never heard about this? Why does nobody from Alwil correct this for us? ???
Are you sure RejZor ? It says Scan created/modified files…
I believe it has been discussed many times here. Of course, if you just add an extension into the box, it will only be scanned as plaintext. To scan the real content of the archive, you have to turn on the corresponding packer in the task configuration as well (Pro version only).
Yeah, well, we are happy Pro users Igor… hehe. Thanks Alwil again !