Avast setup fails!

Hi Guys, I’m new to the forum, joined Sat. 21 and made a post about the subject but I’m not seeing the post, so I’m asking again for some help.

I downloaded Avast Free Edition and it installed but each time a scan was initiated, I got a blue screen, finally I uninstalled it, cleaned the registry with CCleaner and tried to install again now I’m getting the report given here:

23.11.2009 22:55:52 general: Started: 23.11.2009, 22:55:52
23.11.2009 22:55:52 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
23.11.2009 22:55:52 system: Memory: 95% load. Phys:7812/194992K free, Page:239940/769572K free, Virt:2069340/2097024K free
23.11.2009 22:55:52 system: Computer WinName: PRIVATE-30ABB4E
23.11.2009 22:55:53 system: Windows Net User: PRIVATE-30ABB4E\Private
23.11.2009 22:55:53 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
23.11.2009 22:55:54 system: Using temp: C:\DOCUME~1\Private\LOCALS~1\Temp_av_inet.tm~a03628 (38360M free)
23.11.2009 22:55:56 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
23.11.2009 22:55:56 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
23.11.2009 22:55:56 general: Install check: Program folder does NOT exist in registry
23.11.2009 22:55:56 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
23.11.2009 22:56:03 general: progress thread start
23.11.2009 22:56:03 general: Destination: C:\DOCUME~1\Private\LOCALS~1\Temp_av_inet.tm~a03628
23.11.2009 22:56:03 general: Starting download: http://www.avast.com/go.php?verb=get-avast-home&type=cnet&langid=eng
23.11.2009 23:03:22 general: Download finished from server download678.avast.com, result: 0x00000000, server response: 200
23.11.2009 23:03:22 general: C:\DOCUME~1\Private\LOCALS~1\Temp_av_inet.tm~a03628\setupeng.exe, size: 162060. md5: 006111C31EEB1C5FE270B51C5B18FB38, computemd5 returned 0x00000000, sig: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 returned 0x2000000B
23.11.2009 23:03:22 general: Stats download678.avast.com, server response: 536870923
23.11.2009 23:03:38 general: POST result: 0x00000000, server response: 204

Anyone can translate this and tell me the solution, I can operate a PC but unfamiliar with this tech stuff.


One thing that is fairly likely to cause this sort of error is the presence of a previous AV, in some cases even if that had been uninstalled.
Another scenario is the presence of malware on the computer blocking the setup.
I have seen this, but am not deducing it from the setup log; I can read and analyze that no better than you, really. (I’m only qualified to read nerd101. ;D)

What AV did you use before Avast?

Once this has been cleaned off, and assuming it’s not the malware situation, I’d suggest a full install from scratch.
-Download the Avast Uninstall Utility from here.
-Download the file “setupeng.exe” (37.82Mb) from here. (Don’t download the Cnet link. The file is located below the words “Free registration”.
-Uninstall Avast from the control panel add/remove programs.
-If there were no problems uninstalling, run the Uninstall utility, then reboot.
-If there were problems uninstalling, boot into safe mode and run the uninstall utility, then reboot to normal.
-Install Avast from the downloaded setupeng.exe file. Reboot as prompted.

To help eliminate the malware case, if this is even slightly suspected, I’d be inclined to download and install either MBAM and/or SAS, update and run a quick scan. Quarantine anything found. If anything was found (apart from tracking cookies) follow up with a full scan. If a reboot is prompted to complete removal of malware, do so promptly.

If malware is suspected to be on the computer, I’d do the MBAM or SAS thing first, and try installing Avast second.

At some future stage, once this is sorted, you should update your OS. SP3 was made available to XP over a year ago. Keeping software up to date is highly recommended.