When I use the CCleaner registry cleaner I always get this problem listed even after supposedly correcting it time, and time again:
Missing MUI Reference C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\avast.setup HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache
I have no problem with my Avast software but I’m wondering why this error doesn’t go away. It only started happening after the most recent software update.
Sometimes after program update I also have that error,but it
is detected and corrected only by 1-Click Maintenance (TuneUp Utilities).
I don’t think I’ve seen that error with CCleaner.
I know what the OP is talking about, as mentioned if avast is unticked from CCleaners applications list then there should be no detections of avast with any feature of CCleaner.
You choose the Module you want to use. There are other modules or utilities within Cclener.
I use it for what it was originally intended - Cleaning out garbage.
I don’t clean the registry with this or any other utility. If I have an issue in the registry, I use regedit.