Avast setup won't run.

I’ve recently uninstalled Avast after restoring my computer. I uninstalled it in hopes of fixing a problem where it wasn’t recognizing a file or something. It wouldn’t update my definitions or program. Just a few minutes ago I thought to try updating on her computer to. It didn’t work for the same reason so now I’m thinking there’s a bigger problem than I thought. Unfortunately I have no clue how to resolve that, and now the avast setup program won’t even run. No clue what to do and I’m desperate for some help.

After trying some more I’ve discovered that some other programs I wanted to install aren’t working either. I cannot run the setup for several programs. Dunno if it helps but I’m running windows 7.

hi brokenshoe,

some more information might be needed.

what errors if any are you getting when you try to install avast or the other several programs you mention?
what are these other programs? security programs?

what are your system specs besides windows7? .i.e what other security programs are you using.

That’s the thing. Nothing happens. The files prompt me for permission to run when i open them, and then nothing else happens. The other programs I’ve tried so far was the opera browser and the pccleaner tool. I’ve normally used Avast 5.x and malwarebytes. Now Malwarebytes won’t update, it gets a side-by-side error or something. I’m going to try redownloading avast and running it instead of saving it, but I’m not to sure it will do anything.

Many images on websites are loaded corrupted now to.

You’re talking about different issues, but let’s see…

  1. Latest build of avast here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=59223.0
  2. Be sure you have admin rights while installing.
  3. If you fear an infection use this free software: http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/free/
    Please post back your results…!

Thank you. Going to try installing that.

Also after rereading my original post, I’ve discovered that a large part of it makes no sense at all. Please let me clarify that.

Again sorry about that, was kinda late and I wasn’t thinking clearly.

No problem…! :slight_smile:
Feedback appreciated…

It failed to run. I’ve taken a screen shot and its uploading to flickr for posting right now. It said something about a side by side error. You’ll see once I upload it.

Ok I can’t post a screen shot, it won’t open the image anymore so I will type out the complete error.


The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.

It them prompts me to click ok and that’s it. It does the same thing when I try to update Malwarebytes.

Edit: Gonna try and download that install of Avast you gave me. Maybe it will work. I’m starting to think I’ve messed something up.

Read here:

When I tried to download it, it almost finished and I got the error

C:\Users\Wade\Downloads\vcredist_x64.exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

Try again later, or contact the server administrator.

Trying to update my windows now.

And I got Windows Update error 80244016, 8024402f, or c80003fa .
The control panel trouble shooting tool failed to find out what was wrong.

Also just tried to install Avast again and got this error.

C:\Users\Wade\Downloads\setup_av_free(2).exe is not a valid Win32 Application.

Starting to think I’m just messed up. Already dug out my windows back up disk and drivers disk in case I need to wipe it and start over.

Seems your connection is unstable…

Problem Solved.

My internet runs from a single DSL router to a wireless router. I then run another one directly to the wireless router for my laptop. I prefer a more stable connection when gaming. Well, I’m pretty sure that the problem was the wireless router getting hit by lightning. I could still connect to the internet but everything was all messed up. After removing the wireless one and just plugging in direct, its running fine. Just gonna have to buy a new wireless one.

Also thanks for all the help guys! That last comment from Asyn is what got me to try what I did.

You’re very welcome…!! Good your problem is solved. :slight_smile:
Please add somewhat like [Solved] to the topic subject. Thanks.