
Where is this file so I can setup an advanced rule for it? Don’t tell me it’s in the setup directory because I can’t see it there. I need to be able to set an advanced rule.

If I turn off the Anti application hijacking in Sygate, it appears to work ok. However, that is NOT a solution, nor is reinstalling either one. I need a solution to this problem. The sygate people are willing to help me, but I can’t do what they want if I can’t setup the advanced rule.

Do you need a copy of Sygate to work on the problem?

Is the file genned on the fly or what?

Aside from me, I now have 3 people that I’ve setup with avast Pro and Sygate Pro that are yelling at me.

remove any rules from Sygate concerning avast, then just set Sygate to ask you, when a new application tries to connect…

then do a check for program update in avast, and sygate should ask you, what to do… (See avast’s FAQ’s for relevant avast IP’s / Port)

imho it’s generated on the fly, and its contents/MD5 will be changed only with program updates of avast

Does the anti-app-hijacking blocker in Sygate work with MD5 ?

P.S.: read here:
and use the boardsearch


This does not work!

I have NO problem manually updating. It’s the auto update that is flagged by sygate. Over and over and over and over and over.

Rename C:\Program files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\setup.ovr to setup.exe ;D

In fact, yes.
It’s stored in setup.ovr file, but when the update is performed, the file gets modified (and then the update of the program itself is peformed, by this updated file).

This is NOT the solution to anything! The filename, contents and location of the file may change anytime we consider it useful.

Running setup.ovr manually without knowledge may lead to corruption of setup’s state and avast itself.

If it works, don’t touch it.
If it doesn’t, consult setup.log, search the forums or ask.

Thanks for saying that kubejc :wink:

Well, then, IMHO Sygate is doing the correct thing. avast! is acting like a virus/trojan thing and it should be flagged.

Leaving the program as is and having it read an updated control file of some type would be a better thing.

I have one more thing to try and if that doesn’t work, avast! is off my system and the others.

Hi Beck,

any program with inet-connection abilities should be flagged by a decent firewall when it is updated/changed.

But a good firewall should give you the choice to accept that change after notification (like Kerio does). Maybe you just haven’t found the right config/settings in Sygate ?
I can’t believe that Sygate is not configurable this way, as AFAIK it’s supposed to be quite good (don’t use it myself, though…)

But it’s your choice of course…

Beck, I fully agree with whocares 8)
Anyway, you will lost the best web forum ;D