avast! setup


I have the latest version of Avast! installed (4.6.665)

I notice there is a little problem in avast! home edition : when you try to modify an option in “Alert” settings (in the configuration page of the program), the buttons in the right of the panel don’t work.
e.g.: When I click on “WinPopup” then “Delete”, avast! doesn’t do anything.
e.g.:When I click on “Windows Messenger” then “Modify”, avast! doesn’t do anything.

Is that a problem? What can I do? Does the same problem on your computer?


First you have to setup the SMTP that will be used to send email Alerts, click the SMTP icon at the bottom of your image and set it up from there.

Then you must Add and entry to the required medium before you can edit it.

Sorry, but what i must enter in the 3° line in SMTP settings?

my smtp server is smtp.fr.aol.com on port 587.


Your email address, e.g. who it is from, so that when an email is sent it has a From address.

R U on a network if not you really don’t have to worry about these settings

Alerts" Page

avast! is able to send a warning message about a virus occurrence. This feature is useful for network administrators who will be notified about the presence of a virus on any computer they administrate, so that they can react quickly.

Okay thank you.
I just notice that when i click on these buttons nothing appears and avast! doesn’t react.
I just want to know if there is the same problem on others computers.

No worries JojoFrench it’s not a problem I think you will find Avast will work fine !!! :wink: