Hi everybody,
I have updated avast antivirus recently. Since then, I have detected some strange behavior . It seems that avast shut down some aplications (RadioSure, KMPlayer etc.). Why is that?
I`m pretty sure that antivirus does this because when I turned off shields everything worked perfectly. I have win7 just to note.
Can any one help me to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
This could be caused by the AutoSandbox. Set it to Ask-Mode for examination.
Did as suggested while experiencing the same problem and the incessant misguided warnings, in my case, have stopped. More important to me, however, is why avast has an issue with Apache Web Server. The solution provided did solve the incessant popups, but Avast has never warned me about apache before, and I am (99.999999%) certain that there is no (deliberate) malicious code in the web server software. Also, in case it is relevent, Avast never reported a problem with Apache until today.
it could be that based on filerep judgement, the programme is not trusted. this is one of the new features in Avast! 7
filerep works hand in hand with autosandbox to decide if the programme requires sandboxing.
Thank you guys. That was helpful.
I did it, ask-mode for sure!
BUT where is the icon at the system tray the proper box at general menu of the radio sure is ticked.
Running OS Vista.
How to close the radio by… Task Manager!!!
By the way the auto-mode does not work.