Avast shields scanning malwarebytes

On my two xp pro sp3 systems, when I start a malwarebyte (free) scan, avast shields starts scanning too (avastsvc.exe running) It’s taking up about 25% of my CPU causing the scans to take longer. I have to turn off shields to speed up the scan…Is there a simple solution for this? If not I will just continue disabling shields although I prefer not as I have forgot to turn them back on…

This doesn’t happen on my win 7 computer.
thanks for the help


You need to exclude MBAM from active scanning by Avast!.

That should be covered by the File System Shields exclusions, under its Expert Settings.

Besides the exclusions, and just for general knowledge, instead of stopping the shields, you can use the tray icon of avast to temporarily pause them.

Wow are you fast…I tried the exclusions and the two shields that allow process exclusions (web shield and behavior shield) have no affect. After a bit more checking it appears to be the file system shield that is scanning and I can only exclude folders not a process.

PS I have to pause them until restart because malwarebytes takes more than an hour to scan these older computers…

…You are doing a Full Scan, aren’t you?

Not to cramp your style, but if you are…MBAM’s own people have stated in the past that a Full Scan is largely redundant, and a waste of time for all but the most extreme infections.

Stick to a Quick Scan. :wink:

Thanks, that’s good tip as I think it will complete the quick scan in less than an hour so that eliminates my forgetting to turn them back on…

This is how to…if you need to

Section - K

We actually liked the fact that avast! and Malwarebytes scanned at the same time with XP. We were sorry to see that function go with Windows 7. It meant all you had to due was schedule malwarebytes scan, and you automatically got both.

You can select a folder with “browse”, but then you can edit the added line manually to select a specific process / executable / any other file (“.” or “*.exe” or “abc??.dll”). Once you edited the line, click “add” and save changes.

@avast@advantage77.com, I think you misunderstood.

Thank you Pondus…It was the finals step setting exclusions in malwarebytes that did the trick…I will have to send you some Lefsa… :wink:

.I will have to send you some Lefsa...
Then i hope it is vestlands lefse...alterntive....svele ;D

That is correct, exclusions are not appropriate for this as the exclusion is on the file and not its actions, e.g. opening other files to scan them will in some cases cause avast to intercept that and scan the file. There is no exclude process function in the file system shield.

That said, I have in the past kicked off an mbam scan and actually watched the file shield activity and it didn’t interfere that much, have you changed the default settings of the file system shield ?

I’m also finding that the current 1.6 version of MBAM is a pain in the rear as it has some serious spikes in CPU activity and that isn’t down to avast it is all on mbamservice.exe in the XP Task Manager.

What mbam version do do you have and what is the CPU activity for mbamservice.exe ?
May not be present in the mbam free version though.

Not sure if you can do scheduled scan in the mbam free version (?) if so try scheduling it for a time when you know you aren’t going to be too active.

I’m not sure how the exclusion of the avast folder in mbam would somehow stop the CPU activity of avastSvc.exe as that wouldn’t stop it scanning files being opened by another application. A happy coincidence I feel, but fine so long as it continues.

Thanks david
I have version malwarebytes
mbams two processes use 80 to 90 percent of my aging CPU so adding the extra load from avast really slowed things down…

I too hope the happy coincidence continues

You’re welcome.

I want to update my post on the final solution…One of my xp systems I setup both avast and MBAM settings to trust each other, and the other I just setup the MBAM to trust avast…
After some time the system with both avast and MBAM setups started scanning again…I went in and removed all of the trusts in avast, and now it isn’t scanning when mbam scans…hopefully this will last as it took a while to act up…