Could someone give me a lay down on the shields that Avast has? i was planning on having Avast simply as a on-demand AV (no Shields Active)
never install multiple AV as this will give you a slower machine, mysterious windows errors and false positive detections … avast is not designed to be a on-demand scanner, so just turn off shields is not enough
if you want extra sacanner, then there are plenty tools out there designed for it like Malwarebytes
You can install it in compatibility mode. But, which antivirus will be protecting you on access (resident)?
i wasn’t planning on having an Active Shield but i’ve performed further test on my system and Avast performs quite well…
is there any issue with Avast P2P shield and uTorrent? i see that it ain’t marked on the programs part of the settings…
Yes. In some (most) installations due to the way uTorrent manage files, each time it downloads something and save to the file, the file is “opened” as a new one and is scanned, carrying the system to a lag or freeze.
are there plans to change it? as it is… only using uTorrent the P2P Shield is redundant…
i was planning on buying PerfectDisk, how does Avast behaves with PerfectDisk (especially its Auto-Optimization feature which moves files on the HD to minimize Header access)
uTorrent should make the changes. There is nothing to do by avast! part.
Defragmentation occurs at low level. Antivirus does not change anything. It’s a myth that you need to disable the antivirus while defragmenting (since Windows XP). In other others, they’re compatible.