avast show red circle so block windows startup

Hi there to all, i’m new.
My problem, as the object says, is when i startup windows and login, avast takes long time lo load showing a red circle in the system tray and until this circle doesn’t disappear, windows is blocked. Ok, it’s not a big problem, i only hav to wait for 25/30 seconds for avast to load, but it’s not a good thing anyway. Someone can help me? Someone knows why avast takes so many seconds to load at windows startup?
Thanks in advice! :wink:

That’s trange… what operating system do you have? How much memory do you have?
Additionally, how many other automatically started program do you have?

The operating system is windows 2000 pro SP4, ram 512 MB and the version of avast is the home 4.1.
Other automatically started programs i don’t remember exactly at the moment which are, but i’ll look a soon as possible. Anyway i noticed this behaviour of avast on other pc, i could say this problem is not rare to see.

Hi, do you have permanent connection to the Internet? I had similar problem when PC was not temporarily connected to cabel modem…

Internet connection is an “always on” connection, HDSL permanent (T1).
There’s not a modem, but a router.