Avast shows old virus definition

My avast does show definition 120918-2 when 120919 is already out. When I try to download it in avast itself it says I already have 120919, but the main screen shows older one. What I can do with that?

My other pc updated normally.

I have windows XP and avast 7

try avast repair and reboot

go to contol panel > uninstall program > avast > you will get a popup box with option to repair …wait a couple of minutes and reboot

I am not quite sure if I follow, cause I am czech and my system is also czech, but I try.

EDIT: Thanks it helped! Will it now update normally from now on?

just a moment

does this help ?

google translate

pojdi na krmiljenje, plošče> uninstall program> avast> boste dobili popup okno z možnostjo popraviti … počakajte nekaj minut in ponovno zaženite

if not you find google translate here http://translate.google.no/

You have russian translantion or some other. I found it.

As I wrote above, it helped, will it now update normally from now on?

As I wrote above, it helped, will it now update normally from now on?
try ....and you will find out! and only time will tell

Can’t there is no new update of virus definitions :smiley:

well you will see tomorrow then :wink:

Again, thank you very much, I didn’t know I could just repair it, so I am grateful

your welcome

if you still have problems tomorrow night come back

Sure. What I’ll have to do with it if I still will have the problem anyway?

Edit: Avast updated this morning normally, again, thanks for advice :slight_smile: