In simple interface there are pop ups when the mouse stops over a button. Unfortunately the pop ups (and also “tic” sounds) are still active when there are windows over the skined interface (see screen capture attached). I’ve noticed this behaviour since the begining (3 avast versions now, 4.1.412 here). Not really a “big” bug but annoying… >:(
Yeah, and that’s something that is not Alwil’s fault. ActiveSkin’s SkinBuilder is application used for skinning this antivirus… all those things are caused by SkinBuilder, although I’m not sure for those small popup windows… anyway, when I make skins, there is nothing I can change to avoid that behaviour. I can change color of the popup message background and text…
Maybe Martin Novak knows something I missed… Martin ?
No offence at all to the skin creators, I know you are only as good as the tools you have to use. However, I have always found the skins to be buggy…like waiting for a bomb to go off. They just do not seem very stable. Awhile back there was a thread about making a plain GUI much like what you would find in using XP. I would love to see the home version of Avast use something like the on access scanner GUI (see screeny). Its stable as can be, and easy to use. Just wanted to bring this up again as maybe something to think about for future program builds.
PS…I know thats easier said than done!
Again, same theme… Windows current skin you can have if you use avast! Pro version (Enhanced User Interface)…
Tipton wrote:
However, I have always found the skins to be waiting for a bomb to go off. They just do not seem very stable.
I must interupt here with very good reason… no bugs inside skins at all. No skin in avast! skin download section can be uploaded if it hasn’t passed all those tests… period.
Find me one bug (with my/human error) in any of those skins available for download and I’ll fix it right away…
You see, you don’t like skins, you want something plain, and still you don’t use Windows classic or XP skin, you are using X-box variation skin…
Frankly, I wish they’ve move the stuff on the basic interface to the right-click tray icon, then do away with the stinky basic interface, it serves no real purpose!
The product would be more professional with just a cleaned up, better organized Enhanced menu only.
The original poster lists one bug in the skins. I guess you could call it the nature of the skin. Again I mean no dis-respect, I love the skins you produce, and use them. I would just like a skinless AV. I may try the pro version for this.
I also have to agree with Kobra, I like the right click idea. 99% of the time, that is how I use Avast. I right click and scan files I download from the internet.
Well, I wouldn’t call it a problem of the skin, but rather of the skinning library.
In fact, I’m not sure if the problem isn’t partly related to the Windows OS itself - the switching/loosing focus isn’t sometimes completely correct.
What was the OS of the original post?
Igor, i’m using windows 2000 pro (french) service pack 4 and security patched.
S.Z.Craftec, i love your work and i’m sure the bug comes from either windows, SkinBuilder, or both. Anyway this bug is not critical and i will sure keep on apreciating your beautiful skins !! ;D
You don’t have a clue how much time it takes to make skin like those up there, right ? So that’s why you think they are stinky… I’m not tellin those skins are perfect in graphical meaning, maybe they are not, but don’t tell me they are unstable. They can not be more stable… no crashing, no color interference, no lost bitmaps, no non-working buttons, animations are perfectly sinchronized… just take a look what those more experienced users and older forum members think about everything.
Again, you can always buy Pro version if you wanna use simple user interface… how simple is that ?
LeDoc wrote:
S.Z.Craftec, i love your work and i'm sure the bug comes from either windows, SkinBuilder, or both. Anyway this bug is not critical and i will sure keep on apreciating your beautiful skins !!
Thanks my friend, I don’t wanna force anyone to use those skins, I just don’t like when they talk with so much disrespect and hate for skins… it’s simple people, don’t use them if you think they stinks !
And by the way, they can use your wonderful Flat’n’Simple skin wich mimics the classic windows UI.
Right at ususal Le Doc! People Sasha spends hours on these skins. There is a skin for everyone. If not then like it was said here buy the pro version and be happy.
Hey S.Z.Craftec, i also found a bug in your signature !!
You have to replace “avast! HE” by “avast! PE” now !!
Or are you nostalgic ? ;D
I appreciate your hard work and talent “Craftec”
You make my Anti-Virus a more fun and enjoyable program. I love exploring them, some make me smile and others are very professional in their appearance.
No one HAS to use them it is not forced upon anyone. It is a privledge that AVAST! gives us the Home Edition for free to begin with and for that I thank them and tell everyone I know about it. Not only is this program incredible, it is also generously featured! Making Avast! skinnable was no easy task and creating the skins themselves is a time consuming event.
Thank you AVAST!
Thank you Craftec!
Keep up the great work, and know that most people appreciate your efforts!
Yo… Its nothing to do with the skins, its the interface. I think the basic interface does a disservice to the product, its too simple, lacks features, and hides a really great product. Last year I tried the free edition, and uninstalled it 10 minutes later because of the basic interface being totally a turnoff. I’ve heard the same from tons of people.
I think the entire product should just have the enhanced menu, cleaned up/refined a good bit, and with the free edition, just grey out some options.
Its nothing to do with skins, how long they take, or how good/bad they are, and i’m confused at how you managed to read that from me post. :
You see. It’s a matter of taste. Me myself actually prefer the simple UI. Can do what I want much faster than the enhanced UI…
I think the same. I use Enhanced one just to configure tasks. Simple GUI is much faster to set for a,lets say full disk scan.
As VLK has said…simple is better in general.
We would have more people complaining that they could not use Avast because the interface was to difficult to get around on.
A basic program deserves a basic interface for easy of functionality and a smooth learning curve.
You want complex, then buy PRO and then you can configure, change and move things around the way you want.

You see. It’s a matter of taste. Me myself actually prefer the simple UI. Can do what I want much faster than the enhanced UI…
EXACTLY why I said you need to revamp the enhanced interface, BADLY… I want those options and tweaks, but they need to be easier to get to. Theres absolutely no rhyme, logic or reason behind how it operates, and settings are buried, or well hidden. Basically, I think you guys need to take some time aside, and come out with a killer version for 4.5 with a better interface. I LOVE the features the product has, but the way its all layed out, makes someones head spin unless they spend time learning it, and even then, how many people don’t bother?
Modules here, modules there, settings here, settings there. Tweaks here, tweaks there, options not on here unless you turn them on there. Details off, details on.
Hey S.Z.Craftec, i also found a bug in your signature !!
You have to replace “avast! HE” by “avast! PE” now !!
Or are you nostalgic ? ;D
Hahahahahahaha… you made my day… oh my… that’s a real bug, and I really mean it. I spent so much time on checking avast! skins and cleaning them to the perfection, that I forgot to look “in front of my nose”… hahaha…
I’m going to change it now my friend… oh, my God…
f…g buggy signature ! ;D ;D ;D This is so great ! This forum makes me so happy and feel so alive ! Thanks guys for your support !
And… Tipton and Kobra… I’m not mad or pissed off, I just don’t like when someone says my skins are buggy or unstable… maybe, they are not best looking in graphical terms, but don’t say those are unstable… Sometimes, I need 6 hours to make skin works perfect… do you believe me that I need more than that sometimes to test all those functions. And I also have learned from my friend Vlk, don’t publish them before we check them all million times if it’s needed… like I said before - They can not be more stable… no crashing, no color interference, no lost bitmaps, no non-working buttons, animations are perfectly sinchronized… I don’t know what I have to do to make you guys happy. Believe me, I want to make you happy… but, don’t yell, you just need to ask… No hard feelings, stick around in these forums… your huge knowledge base is more important than these verbal fightings. We need you here and avast! users needs your help.
Once again, where did I comment on your skins?
Honestly, I don’t care to be dragged into some argument with some wild dude. I’m rather offended that you are insinuating something I never even said to begin with FFS!
Let me say this one last time: When did I ever comment on ANY of your skins? I don’t use skins, I don’t like skins, and i’ve never have used skins, and never will - so I find it unlikely i’d make a comment on a skin I never used. Don’t you think? Re-read my posts, this time more slowly, and note closely, that i’m talking about the INTERFACE, not skins… :