Avast Sing in problem

I have problem to sign in to my Avast account.Every time i got notification:˝The online content is unavailable
Please, check your internet connection and try again.˝I have internet connection,work normal,don’t have firewall just Avast free version.

Do you use a modified hosts file, like MVPS or similar…?

https://my.avast.com is working without a problem for me.

#Asyn I don’t use nothing on my PC to block anything.From Avast interface when i try to log in to my account i get that notification.˝The online content is unavailable
Please, check your internet connection and try again.˝

It is a known issue, nothing you can do about.
avast has to solve that.

Just use the web login.

How are you trying to sign on, e.g. from the avastUI or using a browser ?

If from the UI, I suggest you try using a browser, I normally use that not because of any problem, but because the my.avast.com account interface is better laid out.

I did just try from the UI and that worked, but I was already logged on as I’m using the forums. Which presumably you are too as you can post and that requires you to be logged on.

I’m registered user like you see i using avast forum,got my avast account.But from Avast UI when i want to sing in always got same…˝The online content is unavailable
Please, check your internet connection and try again.˝bla bla bla…connection not established and no stream updates? :o Idk what is wrong.Don’t have any problem with other acounts etc. facebook,gmail,google+… maybe problem is in cloud services or?

See reply #4

Ok similar problem here. I can connect to my account via browser, but when I want to connect and add my new device to my account via Avast Free on my PC I get " sucess " but then it says " Unexpected error " , and is says it is server problem, so how and when I can connect my new devices to my account ?

Thanks in advance for some help and advice.


Avast server connection not work!Why? Idk…no streaming updates no connection what is wrong with avast.I keep this antivirus only to eat my memory ooo no you don’t anymore i leave avast after 10 years Goodbye Avast!!!

Both streaming updates and normal vps update is working without a problem for me.
What happens if you try a manual vps update ?