Avast skin idea

Since Avast is made by a Czech company how aboiut a Avast skin based on the new Miss World Tatana Kucharova (A Czech). ::slight_smile:

would be nice :smiley:


Tatana Kucharova of Czech Republic reacts after being crowned Miss World 2006

Gets my vote ;D

I am sure people would piss their pants and just bad mouth avast! if they see something like this. Similar thing happened with Pirate skin and we all know how it ended. And Pirate theme even has something to do with avast! (avast! is a pirate word for “stop”)… just wondering how avast! competition would react if they see something “girly” like this. I am sure they would badmouth this antivirus so bad, that no one would ever consider it as a serious computer security product anymore.

Don’t get me wrong… this lady rocks, that’s for sure, but she simply has nothing to do with this security tool. In the same manner, I am originaly from Croatia, so I could get a nice idea to create Nikola Tesla skin… he was one of our people, and for sure he contributed to this World much more than this babe, lol. If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t be able to turn our PCs on, lights, electromagnetic generators, turbines and a lot more… but still, no Tesla skin simply just because he has nothing to do with antivirus scene.

Maybe Martin wants to take this task and deal with it ;D ;D ;D RejZoR ? Darren ? Lol… ;D

I don’t do skins but do know that my AV program shouldn’t be a skin flick. ;D ;D ;D