Avast Skins

Is there any skin for avast that would make it look like a antivirus program and not a media player ;D


There’s plenty to choose from here…



Best Regards…

Remember that version 5 of avast won’t have skins anymore…

But I didn’t find a skin that would make avast look like a antivirus program :slight_smile:


Ok, I didn’t know for sure if you checked there. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

There shouldn’t have only one way to display an antivirus…
Why don’t you try run ashSimp2.exe from avast folder then…

I found the Rejzor’s one (MACLOVER…) and I am pretty proud of it and love it!!! :slight_smile:

My particular favourites are, see image.

Well, I don’t want to start a war between Linux and Mac… :smiley:

War, what war ???

Come version 5.0 we won’t have to worry about what our favourite skins are as there won’t be any.

hi i am looking for skins in avast 4.xxx i need thems. (.aswcs)
but i can not find becuase its old.
any body here can hv all of theme to can send to me?

my email is : fba_ba_82@yahoo.com or just send here to i can downoad.i am looking for a few days but can not find it yet.
i did check this page but files removed too.

Avast 4 has been unsupported for some time now and skins would have been dropped also.

I rather doubt anyone has personally kept any if Avast 4 is history. As this topic is almost ten years old and avast 5 would have been about to be the new avast version, who would be developing skins.

iknow but i am looking for skins because designed with active skin and i need it.
if u hv in your archive please send to me,i need just skins avast and i am looking for more active skin free forms.i found in avast and because of it i need theme.

I haven’t any in my archives, I’m an Avast user.

Have you ever thought that they might also be copyright protected by those people who designed them or avast itself.

it was been free,but i want just see and need for my idea.
how can find theme?
i did search in google but not found.
do you know any body hv theme?
please help me if you can help me.

how can send email to avast,i can not find contant page.how can say my problem to avast support?

The fact that something is free, doesn’t mean it isn’t copyrighted, when it was for a specific purpose, e.g. when run with the avast UI, namely Avast4.

You haven’t said what your intentions are, so no one is likely to help (even if they have an old skin) if it is likely to infringe copyright.

Those who have just signed up to the forums and start asking things that aren’t really related to Avast support related issues do have people worrying about the intention.